Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
The Liberal Democrats as well as other political leaders in Leicester have signed an election compact, a pledge to keep racism out of their election campaigns.
The Liberal Democrat manifesto for the 2007 Scottish Parliament elections at the start of May has two explicit references to tackling homophobia; both bullying in schools and homophobicly motivated hate crimes in wider society.
Wolverhampton Liberal Democrats have issued their manifesto for 2007 dealing with the major policy areas facing the City.
Dundee LibDems today (Sunday 15th April) gave their backing to the announcement by Scottish Liberal Democrat Leader Nicol Stephen MSP of a seven-month programme of government for his party, if the Liberal Democrats are elected.
The government's overhaul of the mental health system must give more protection to children, a charity has warned. The Young Minds group says 1,000 youngsters are admitted to adult wards each year - almost one third being detained against their will. Many are abused or left traumatised by the experience, the charity says.
Dundee Liberal Democrats today (Saturday 14th April) welcomed the recent announcement by Scottish party leader Nicol Stephen MSP of plans for 2 000 extra nurses to provide faster diagnosis and treatment in the community.